Marketing Glossary

Click-through Rate (CTR)

What is a click-through rate or CTR?

Online marketers measure conversion rates–how effective an advertising campaign is by tracking how many people click on it. By measuring click-through rate (or CTR), advertisers can accurately determine the response to their web banners or email ads.

What is CTR used for?

One easy way to find more information, which is often the first step for a campaign, is by visiting a specific website.

You can measure your CTR or Cost-Per-Lead by dividing the total number of clicks on an ad by the number of times that someone saw it.

CTR rates for ads and emails are tracked to measure customer interest. If you see a lower CTR rate for a certain ad copy, it might need to get rewritten, for example.

If you’re researching a company and want to look at how their clicks are translating to conversions, it can be helpful to see how other companies from the same industry perform in comparison. You can also use your ad quality score as a baseline for comparing the performance of campaigns against competitors’ CTR.

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