Marketing Glossary

Macro Segmentation

What is Macro Segmentation?

Online traffic can be divided into sub-groups based on a few basic attributes such as location, gender and browsing pattern. When you divide your customers by similar criteria, this action might also be referred to as Macro Segmentation.

Macro-segmentation is a strategy that aims to effectively deliver relevant experiences to customers by grouping them into categories through the lens of demographics, geography and stages in the customer journey with your company.

Marketers should opt for macro segmentation, which is relatively quicker than micro-segmentation, but only if they have the resources available and plan to use automation. Macro segmentation does not yield the same level of precision as micro-segmentation.

Individuals would seem to be more responsive to personalized information and content messages rather than generic, catch-all messages. However, whereas micro-segmentation requires tailoring a message for each small segment that the business is targeting, macro-segmentation and data analysis is based on a much simpler approach.

The idea is that you can apply filters to your audiences, such as age or gender, in order to boost the success of your campaign by tailoring only a few experiences for those macro-segments.

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