Marketing Glossary

Product Detail Page (PDP)

What is a PDP?

Websites with an emphasis on electronics often have a page called the product detail page, or PDP. This is where you’ll find all of the information about a specific product, including price and shipping as well as reviews from other customers who’ve already made a purchase.

The PDP is the most important place of your eCommerce strategy because it lets potential buyers know about a certain item. Therefore, designing this page should be done with great care, as it will lead to or discourage a sale.

The content on your product detail page should be geared toward improving how a customer might feel about the purchase. A balance between too much and too little detail is important when putting together a website with buying products in mind.

Product Page Design

When designing a product detail page, be sure to account for the limited real estate on mobile devices and optimize your pages accordingly.

Adding in product recommendations allows you to show visitors what else is available or related items they might want.

What are the typical PDP Components?

  • Menu button: Gives you the ability to navigate throughout the entirety of your website quickly and easily
  • Cart button: Gives users the ability to add products to their own cart.
  • Search bar: Allows users to search for products
  • Product picture: This is an image of the product or service you are offering
  • Add to wishlist: You can create a Wish List on the website where you can save items that you’re interested in purchasing.
  • Product name: A specific product a customer is viewing should have a specific name.
  • Short description
  • Buy button
  • Size
  • Colour
  • Quantity
  • Material
  • Delivery Calculator – Enter a zip code, and the estimated time of arrival (ETA) for a product to arrive at your home will be calculated.

And many others. The elements of the PDP should allow your client to need no FAQ before purchasing.

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