Marketing Glossary

Search Filter

What is a search filter?

A search filter is a tool that allows the user to narrow down products on a listing page. When multiple filters and attributes are applied, this can provide an efficient way for shoppers to find what they’re looking for. It is a tool installed on most eCommerce websites, that allows users to eliminate certain products based on the same criteria they care about.

This is all done with the intention of increasing product discoverability, making it easier for consumers to find products and reducing any obstacles that might appear along their path to purchase.

How to devise a good search filter for your website?

Not all customers know what they want. By trying to figure out their preferences and asking themselves questions like is this modern or traditional, whether the colours are dark or bright, if it reminds them of summer vacation, are they looking for a beach theme? They can first narrow down possible products that fit their needs.

The main buyers in the early stages of an eCommerce site are those looking for basic, low-cost products.

Though surprisingly, the Baymard Institute has found that a lot of websites are having a terrible experience with their filtering UX.

Besides the standard options like brand, user reviews, and rating, pricing etc., there are smarter options that you can make your ad stand out and increase relevance and conversion rates:

  • The search filters need to be specific for each category in the website. Size, display, material, volume, capacity, etc.
  • Make sure the most adequate filters appear on top of the list of products.
  • Allow more than one filter and more than one option in the category to be selected.
  • Offer thematic filters to enable customers to curate their preferred lists.
  • Display all applied filters with a summary of each, and in the more detailed view also display attached comments.


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