Marketing Glossary

Triggered Email

What have triggered emails?

Triggered emails automatically sent when an individual performs certain actions or meets certain criteria are also known as behavioral, transactional, or triggered emails.

One of the major distinctions between triggered emails and the standard promotional emails is that a personalized email can be automatically sent to an individual, while the majority of the people are manually sent the same recurring email at once.

Emails that provide a call-to-action when there is new content available or an action you might be taking by responding to the email are called triggered emails. They offer incredibly valuable information and recommendations.

Triggered Email

The definition of triggering event

When a subscriber is on the mailing list of an event-related campaign, you can set up automated emails that will be sent to them in response to specific events. It’s important when designing these emails to have a unified marketing platform with access across your email tools and data from other marketing platforms.

The whole concept behind this practice is that triggered emails are sent depending on the activity on a mobile app, or other data found in your marketing stack.

Common uses of Triggered emails

Sending a triggered email to re-engage customers if they view an item and then exit the mobile app is useful for retailers.

Shoppers often add items to their shopping cart but fail to check out before abandoning the cart.

After a purchase order is confirmed and finalized, an email is sent to the customer confirming the information. This includes relevant shipping details and more.

Triggered emails enable businesses to take advantage of personal data and customer engagement by sending the right message at the perfect time.

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